Following last month’s inventory of the Mouse’s gates, which you can find below…
The Gates To All The Cheese..
Ready for Round Two?
As we continue to let the good cheese roll, you’ll find the latest inventory of fresh gates & hashtags that have emerged since the last update (plus a couple of hidden gems unearthed). Here’s your chance to catch up on “what’s new”!
New Gates
NotesGate (16-12-2023)
SashaGate (19-01-2024)
Mycoplasmagate (08-02-2024)
CalianGate (11-02-2024)
New Hashtags
SARSCoV2 (27-11-2021)
AcipKevin (28-12-2022)
Journosliedpeopledied (03-02-2023)
Samoa (05-02-2023)
Midazolam (08-02-2023)
ThanksViki (25-03-2023)
NovavaxNorm (03-02-2024)
AflatoxinNorm (04-02-2024)
Sketophiles (05-02-2024)
Search the hashtag - which first appeared as “Calian”
Jikky couldn’t help but notice that Amazing Polly was reluctant to discuss the topic of Calian - a nudge unit funded by hundreds of millions of dollars by the Canadian government, when she deleted the tweet to which the Mouse asked an “innocent question”. The story is now developing, so don’t hesitate to check the hashtag or to dive in the subject yourself & share your findings.
11-02-2024 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
The question still remains: Did the CDC labs under @normanpie supply this "novel" (aka manufactured) Mycoplasma to Iraq as a pretext for the Iraq war? It certainly appears so. Inventor Shyh-Ching Lo surprisingly obtained four patents for two distinct mycoplasma strains that he purportedly "discovered," without any questions asked.
08-02-2024 - Read more about it on X/Twitter or Threadreader (credit: @TMac572002)
Community notes on Twitter/X aim to create a better-informed world by empowering people on X to collaboratively add context to potentially misleading posts. However, it’s become clear the “pharma crew” have taken over community notes. One that particularly stands out is “Enterprising Desert Raven”, whose account is @rt7683 (be sure to block, so they can’t add their corrupted, biased community note to any of your posts.
16-12-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter (Faceless) or Threadreader
@FeeRedfern is praised for getting it right again, revealing is @_jaybaxter_ who founded the algorithm and gets to decide what is displayed.
16-12-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Sasha Latypova quote tweeted one of Jikky’s tweets taking what was said completely out of context. This highlighted Sasha’s intent to deny GoF research by claiming there was no “pandemic”. What was most surprising was when Sasha’s tweet was flooded with likes from 450 bots. All from the same bot farm, AI generated image, AI generated name on the profile pic, zero followers, all accounts made that day.
19-01-2024 - Read more about it on X/Twitter (Faceless) or Threadreader
Although the first wave had no hashtag yet. Jikky first encountered Kevin Alt in December 2022, in relation to a scandal involving his responsibility, along with Viki Male, for pushing experimental gene therapies onto pregnant women. There are clear conflicts of interest and Jikky highlights that both Kevin and Viki have failed to act to prevent harm, despite knowing that the flu vaccine primes the IG4 response in neonates for the flu.
28-12-2022 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Jikky refers to Kevin Ault as the gift that keeps on giving, as Kevin’s very poorly chosen example on “traditional vaccines” efficacy, the Pertussis one. With a quick & destructive chart, the Mouse illustrates how Pertussis cases knew a historic high in the US after reaching 80% vaccination rates, raising the question if AcipKevin ever looks at an original data source.
29-12-2022 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Jikky makes a fair comparison showing AcipKevin’s tweet for achieving pathetic metrics despite 50K views.
29-12-2022 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Jikky calls out Kevin Ault, for having served on the CDC's ACIP board during the COVID vaccine push to pregnant women.
29-12-2022 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Jikky further stresses the lack of safety data or of any demonstrated benefit via RCT upon vaccinating the pregnant women.
20-01-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Jikky ties up Viki Male & AcipKevin in a long thread dismantling Junk Science on pregnancies.
21-01-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter or Threadreader
“Aflatoxin Norm” is one of the new hashtags recently earned by former head of research and development (R&D) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as a virologist, Norman Pieniazek, after that his involvement in the CDC's transfer of anthrax and mycoplasma to Saddam Hussein in the 1980s came under scrutiny. Also related to #GulfWarSyndrome.
04-02-2024 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Jikky created this hashtag a while ago, as we passed recently the hashtag’s birthday, but it had been forgotten in the index.
Below, a compilation I prepared and shared recently.
03-02-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Search the hashtag - also closely related to #Gerigate so this section only details the tweets & threads which hadn’t been already covered.
The Midazolam scandal refers to the deliberate neglect and killing of geriatric residents of nursing homes, home care and hospitals due to protocols implemented under the guise of easing their suffering from COVID-19.
Jikky initially brought attention to this story on February 8, 2023, by analysing the prescription of Midazolam over time. Midazolam is a sedative often used in medical settings. The analysis revealed a significant increase in Midazolam prescriptions during the peak mortality period of the pandemic, particularly in its injection form. By examining various data points, Jikky concludes that the elderly were deliberately targeted by these policies, suggesting that the use of Midazolam may have been a form of euthanasia or medical neglect disguised as palliative care.
08-02-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter or Threadreader
Jikky details further how Midazolam, Levomepromazine and Haloperidol were deployed under the benevolent guidance of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) - and the protocol #NG163, that was released in April 2020.
12-02-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter or Threadreader
Jikky questions why Boris Johnson received a different treatment from the general population when he caught COVID-19.
05-03-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter. See also X/Twitter.
The drop in elders home occupancy, published a month later, shows an 11 sigma drop; an impossible event showing the extent of the #Midazolam scandal.
07-03-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Jikky shares an article by
on Dr Evans, standing accused to have organised the Midazolam murders.
05-03-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter. See also X/Twitter.
Jikky bounces on an article of the DailyMail, to highlight that the British army forces who actively engaged in silencing their own citizens, among whom doctors trying to voice valid safety concerns, committed treason.
18-07-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
In this detailed thread, Jikky exposes the heartbreaking story of Elena Vlaica’s husband, murdered by midazolam against his expressed wishes, and Elena’s fight to see justice served.
21-07-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter or Threadreader
Responding to Senator Rennick, Jikky develops how the combination of faulty tests provided by BCI genomics and the midazolam protocols implemented by the Andrews government, in Australia led, there too, to the euthanasia of 800 people. Was also propagandised by X/Twitter user PRGuy.
29-07-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
“Novavax Norm” is the first hashtag attributed the former head of research and development (R&D) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as a virologist. of the R&D & virologist Norman Pieniazek, who, when he isn’t explaining that Covid wasn’t a novel virus, inventing murderous cruises or accusing Jikky to work for Pfizer, is a vigorous defender of Novavax.
03-02-2024 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
This hashtag represents an article by
on Samoa’s Measles outbreak in November 2019. Samoa experienced an intense measles outbreak following vaccination from UNICEF. The outbreak affected three neighbouring Pacific islands. One of these islands faced a high death rate, similar to early COVID-19 waves. This offered insight into public reaction to measures like lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations, with notably little resistance.Ralph Baric, known for his work on SARS-CoV-2, created a hybrid virus combining measles and coronavirus strains, including one identical to the D8 strain found during Samoa's measles outbreak. Samoa experienced its first COVID-19 surge without fatalities, possibly due to pre-existing immunity from exposure to Baric's hybrid virus.
05-02-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Search the hashtag - which first appeared on JikkyKjj.
The hashtag emerged early in JikkyKjj's Twitter activity, 4 days after joining, focusing on SARS-CoV-2 origin. Jikky humorously criticised Moderna for their patented gene sequence found in the virus.
27-11-2021 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Jikky, commenting on the first paper detecting the Moderna gene therapy’s full sequence in patients blood, by Castruita et al., points out that among Ralph Baric’s accomplishments, is the insertion of the Spike in a measles vaccine.
26-12-2021 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
The Mouse wonders what Henrietta Lacks would think of the use made of her immortalized cells, while a paper reveals these have been used to perform gain of function researches on Sars-Cov-2.
05-01-2022 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Jikky points out that the established presence of a Moderna patented contaminant in Sars-Cov-2, means that Moderna owns it, and is responsible of the damage it caused. The mouse illustrates its point with the Percy vs Mosanto case, in Canada, depicted in the movie Percy vs Goliath.
16-01-2022 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Jikky comments here on a (now disappeared due to account suspension, and archive here) thread by Metatron, breaking down the deep ties between Moderna & the US bio-weapon researches.
09-02-2022 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
The capacity of Angela Rasmussen, one of the stars of the COVID-19 cover-up, to have spontaneous recourse to accusations of racist incitement to violence against the most innocent questions is underlined by the Mouse.
11-05-2022 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Two years later, the French media finally relayed some annoying coincidences regarding Sars-Cov-2’s emergence, triggering an amused comment by the Mouse to see the data it had spread restlessly finally relayed, 2 years later.
09-06-2022 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Jikky uses this hashtag to poke the US equivalents to the UK’s 77th brigade, baptized #Skeptophiles by the Mouse - a network of which prominent figures, such as David Gorski, are connected to Epstein networks. The mouse also uses the hashtag to pay tribute to poorly convincing actors such as Brent Lee, who are accompanying their position of advocate for the vaccines with a poorly credible “former antivaxxer” story.
05-02-2024 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
Jikky created the hashtag to pay tribute to Viki Male’s exceptional ability to point out major conflicts of interest (see also #ConflictsOfViki) and fraudulent studies.
25-03-2023 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
The hashtag recently resurfaced, as the Mouse jumped on a recent Viki-endorsed-study showing that 15% of the mothers - all vaccinated - caught COVID within the few months of the study - which was obviously incompatible with the 95% reduction in symptomatic PCRs advertised by the clinical trials.
16-02-2024 - Read more about it on X/Twitter
I used to be able to follow jikkyleaks (without having an X/Twitter account) by going to, but Nitter had to close down a few weeks ago, as Twitter blocked the last known way to access their network without a user account. I appreciate when I am able to click on threadreader links to read some juicy episodes of the MouseArmy slapping the evil ones upside their heads.
I may be forced to get an X account, although I hate, hate, hate, giving out personal information and a phone number just to join.
A Flawed Medical Procedure x Billions of Times = A Medical Armageddon . .